Sunday, 22 March 2015


Little limericks.

In class yesterday, we had a block where we went over how to write limericks. 
Below are a whole bunch that I wrote, any opinions?

There once was a girl called Alice,
Whose family lived in a palace.
She had a pet rat,
and was always a brat,
Always speaking to her mother with malice.

There once was a boy called Grover,
Who walked all the way to Dover.
He found a ring,
That made him sing,
But sadly he got run over.

There once was a girl called China,
And nobody could ever look finer.
Boys want a kiss,
But she would diss,
And that year she married a miner.

There once was a lad called Ray,
Who bought a mockingjay.
He went war,
But then got sore,
And that morning he ran away.

(Now, I came to this one and figured out that the only way it makes sense, is if you use a Scottish accent. Have fun trying to read this one aloud heh heh.)

There once was a golden goose,
Whose collar was very loose.
She slipped right out,
Then heard a shout,
As a giant yelled "MY HOOSE!"

(So bad, I know :3 )

There once was a potato called Bob,
Who always played the part of a slob,
He nearly got mashed one day,
So he ran far away,
And now he's working a full time job.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Student Blogging Challenge

Beannachtaí, gach duine. Tá an post seo, is i cad google aistriú glaonna "Irish." Tá mé fíor aon smaoineamh, má tá sé seo ceart nó nach bhfuil, ach OH maith. Mar sin, de réir mar a fhios agat, mo rang; Seomra 10, tá gach (. Bhí ceaptha nó gach duine againn go bhfuil>>) sínithe suas don Dúshlán Blogging Mac Léinn, Márta 2015. Sa lá atá inniu a bhí mé ag lorg trí na dúshláin éagsúla air agus fuair ceann amháin ag rá: "Gníomhaíocht 2: Scríobh Beidh post i ndáiríre suimiúil a cheapann tú go leor de na tuairimí. Is minic a scríobh faoi cheann de do passions a fháil go leor de na tuairimí, mar sin beidh rud éigin conspóideach nuair a d'fhéadfadh do léitheoirí aontú nó an easaontaíonn le do thuairim. Cuimhnigh chun deireadh le ceist mar sin is féidir do léitheoirí freagra a thabhairt. "

Roghnaigh mé an ceann seo agus an chúis mé ag déanamh an chéad scríobh an phoist i "Éireannach", mar gheall ar an méid a roghnaigh mé a scríobh faoi é ...... * rolla druma, soilse flash, tá Oscar-ainmniú * La la la la teangacha á mhúineadh i scoileanna!

Maidir liom féin na teangacha ina bhfuil ábhar álainn a bheith mar chuid de, agus ag mo aois scoil (Coláiste Cailín Naomh Doiminic) Bhí mé mar chuid den aicme Spáinne, a bhí spraoi iontach ach ní raibh go leor chomh suim mar ba mhaith liom a bheith má mé Bhí mar chuid d'aicme a bhí ag múineadh teanga a d'fhéadfadh liom a úsáid i ndáiríre. (Ní féidir liom plean chun taisteal chuig aon tíortha a labhraíonn Spáinnis aon am go luath, nó ar chor ar ndáiríre mar sin dom go bhfuil an Spáinnis teanga spraoi ach tá mé nach bhfuil ach mé féin a fheiceáil i ndáiríre é a úsáid in áit ar bith.)

I mo thuairim, ag ligean déagóirí óga a roghnú teanga a fhoghlaimíonn siad a bheadh ​​níos mó ná tairbhiúil na mic léinn ag foghlaim teanga riamh d'fhéadfadh siad a úsáid. Anois, tá a fhios agam go mbeidh múinteoirí (* casadh gach duine a Mrs Hogg *) a rá go teangacha a fhoghlaim (Seapáinis.) An bhfuil An-(rrrrrrrrrr) y, is chun leasa do dúinn. Ach cad mé ag rá nach mbeadh sé ciall a bhaint as níos mó chun go bhféadfaidh an leanbh / teen a roghnú a dteanga féin, de réir a gcuid pleananna don todhchaí nó leasanna?

Mar shampla, Tá mé ag mé féin ag pleanáil chun cuairt a thabhairt ar Ceanada agus an Bhreatain Bheag ag pointe éigin sa todhchaí, seo ba mhaith liom gá tuiscint bhunúsach de na Fraince agus na Breataine Bige. (Tá mé cinnte go leor go Fraincis agus Béarla, is iad na teangacha is mó de Cheanada .. beidh mé ag breathnú suas níos déanaí.) Ach mar a bhí mé ag rá, tá mé go raibh bliain amháin de na Fraince amháin agus táim ag iarraidh faoi láthair a mhúineadh mé féin Breatnais, ba mhaith liom a fháil álainn é má raibh mé a dhéanamh níos mó ar an taobh istigh Fraince scoile seachas trí bliana de Spáinnis agus anois ag tosú Seapáinis.

An ní sé ciall níos mó a shocrú le leanbh suas don todhchaí, ag cur san áireamh maidir le cén tíortha is féidir leis an leanbh a cuairt a thabhairt, seachas a thabhairt dóibh eolas ar theanga riamh d'fhéadfadh siad a úsáid? Níl mé ag rá go bhfuil gach scoil dul agus ranganna breise a chruthú, nó tús ath-scríobh ar an mbealach oibríonn scoileanna, ach amháin tar éis na hacmhainní do leanbh a fhoghlaim Basics go neamhspleách.

Thuig mé díreach cé chomh fada a rinne mé an post seo .. terribly brón orm, ach tá súil agam tú taitneamh as é agus rinne sé a cheapann tú. An chéad uair eile beidh mé iarracht gan a dhéanamh ar mo phoist fada sin. * chuckles *
 Greetings, everyone. This post, is in what google translate calls "Irish." This will probably make no sense, if you put it back through the translator but oh well. So as you may know, my class; Room 10, have all (or all of us were supposed to have >.>) signed up for the Student Blogging Challenge, March 2015. Today I was looking through the different challenges on it and found one saying: "Activity 2: Write a really interesting post that you think will get lots of comments. Often writing about one of your passions will get lots of comments, so will something controversial where your readers could agree or disagree with your opinion. Remember to end with a question so your readers can give an answer."

I have chosen this one and the reason I am doing the first writing of this post in "Irish", is because what I have chosen to write about is...... *drum roll, lights flash, Oscars are nominated* La la la la languages being taught in schools!

For me languages is a lovely subject to be a part of and at my old school (St Dominic's Girl  College) I was part of the Spanish class, which was great fun but I wasn't quite as interested as I would have been if I had been part of a class which was teaching a language I might actually use. (I don't plan to travel to any Spanish speaking countries any time soon, or at all really so for me Spanish is a fun language but I just don't see myself actually using it anywhere.)

In my opinion, allowing young teens to choose which language they learn would be more beneficial than the students learning a language they may never use. Now, I know that teachers (*everyone turns to Mrs. Hogg*) Will say that learning languages (Japanese.) Is Very(rrrrrrrrrr)y, beneficial for us. But what I'm saying is that wouldn't it make more sense to allow the child/teen to choose their own language, according to their plans for the future or interests?

For instance, I myself am planning to visit Canada and Wales at some point in the future, for this I would need a basic grasp of French and Welsh. (I'm pretty sure that French and English, are the main languages of Canada.. I'll look it up later.) But as I was saying, I've only had one year of French and am currently trying to teach myself Welsh, I would find it lovely if I could have done more on French inside of school instead of three years of Spanish and now starting Japanese.

Doesn't it make more sense to set a child up for the future, taking into consideration as to which countries the child may visit, rather than giving them information on a language they may never use? I'm not saying that all school go and create extra classes, or start re-writing the way schools work, but just having the resources for a child to learn the basics independently.

I just realised how long I made this post.. Terribly sorry, but I hope you enjoyed it and it made you think. Next time I'll try not to make my posts so long. *chuckles*

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

PAT Math Test

 Well, we've just had our PAT maths test. It was a bit daunting at first, mainly because for me maths is not one of my strong suits. I've been attempting to become better at it in recent times, but in earlier years I haven't really payed much attention to how behind I was becoming in math. I managed to slide through anyway which surprised everyone, including myself.
So as I was reasonably excited and nervous for this test, unlike some of the other people in my class, who seemed as though they were going to thoroughly enjoy this activity. We got started and the questions were pretty easy at first but then as tests do, they got harder. I was rather stumped by a couple, mainly decimals and fractions, which I've never had a knack for. Anyway, the test was going fine, then I got to the large multiplication. (Dun dun duuuuuuhh *Shock, horror, gasp*) I got there in the end but have a feeling that I made mistakes.
>. > 

Monday, 2 March 2015

Introduction To Me, myself and I.

My name, is Tabitha, even though I prefer to be called by either one my nicknames; Tabbie, Tabbs or Tabby. I'm 13 and rather short. (About 5'3) On with the show (Show must go on heh heh) Here's my intro to me, myself and I.

Interests.. I don't really have *set* interests, as I tend to flit between activities. A few activities I take interest in on a regular basis would have to be; reading, writing, drawing, music and learning new languages. At the moment the languages I'm in the process of learning are German, Latin, Welsh and Gaelic. I would like to, after I have learnt these languages to look into learning Swedish, Polish or Russian. I also support the Denver Broncos. (Woop Broncs.)

Hobbies for me is an hard topic to think about, seeming as I have so many interests.
The main hobby I have is running, it's always been a big part of my life.
I try to go running most weekends and sometimes afternoons, but I've rather busy with other extra-curricular activities. My week goes something like this: 
Monday: School then that afternoon going to mom's work to help out.
Tuesday: School, then I head to Riverlea to help out with the 4-5 class, then I have my own class (5-6), then home.
Wednesdays: School, Waquy then home.
Thursday: School, home, then Cadet Corps from 6-9
Friday: School, home.
Saturday: Usually hanging with my mates.
Sunday: This is movie day for anyone who can come :3

Last but not least I would like to say what I will be including on this blog. 
Some of my writing, my school life, exciting things that happen at home/outside of school and anything Mrs. Hogg says we have to include, heh heh :3